Call for content - decolonisation and local peacebuilding
To mark the anniversaries of Peace Direct's landmark decolonisation reports - Time to Decolonise Aid and Race, Power and Peacebuilding - and its upcoming report on partnerships, Peace Insight is seeking articles and multimedia content on decolonisation. Submit your pitch by 30 April!

In April 2022, Peace Direct published Race, Power and Peacebuilding, a report exploring how racism manifests itself in the peacebuilding sector, based on a global consultation. It followed the publication of Time to Decolonise Aid a year earlier, which brought attention to the structural racism and colonial legacy of the aid sector.
As Peace Direct prepares to launch the third report in this series - a guide on decolonised partnerships - Peace Insight is seeking content on the subject of decolonisation, and its relationship with local peacebuilding.
We want to commission articles and multimedia content exploring the role of decolonisation in local peacebuilding and the importance of shifting power to local peacebuilders.
If you are a local peacebuilder, or a journalist with strong connections to local peacebuilding in your area, please send us a pitch for content exploring these ideas for the chance to have your work featured on Peace Insight.
Deadline for submissions: 23:59 BST on 30 April 2023.
What can I pitch?
All articles for Peace Insight should highlight the work of local peacebuilders, sharing insights/lessons for other practitioners and academics in the sector.
For pitches on decolonisation, we're interested in learning about any of the following (or similar) subjects: what decolonisation of the peacebuilding/aid/development sector means for local peacebuilders; how the legacy of colonialism, and/or structural racism, impact local peacebuilders' work; the importance of shifting power to local peacebuilders; how local peacebuilders address structural racism and (neo)colonialism; indigenous communities leading peace initiatives, particularly when addressing the impact of colonialism; and similar themes.
How should I pitch, and what happens next?
Please send us a 250-word pitch about your content - focus on the key message or argument of the article and highlight any organisations that you might interview or discuss. Remember that Peace Insight focuses on local peacebuilding efforts.
Content we're interested in receiving pitches for: written articles (~500 words or 800-1000 words), including analysis, profiles/interviews; videos; photo essays; and more.
Once our team has selected the content to take forward, we'll agree a timeframe for receiving content. We will be aiming to publish this content over Q2 (April - June), but are always interested in content on this topic. Therefore, please do pitch your idea even if you will not be able to produce the content to that timeline, as we may consider working with you later in the year.
Rates: the fee we pay for content will depend on its format and scope. For a written article of 800-900 words, we pay £170 GBP. For those around 500 words we pay £150. We try to pay within 30 days of receiving an invoice.
Send your pitch via this Google form.
Content created by peacebuilders in the 'global south' is strongly encouraged, especially indigenous, women and youth peacebuilders.
You can take a look at some of our recent content here.
If you have a pitch for content outside this topic, please pitch via this form. Areas we're particularly interested in hearing about within our local peacebuilding focus are: youth- or women-led peacebuilding, local atrocity prevention, interfaith dialogue, displacement.