From Anchorage to Orlando, their efforts show how peace does not just happen, but must be built from the grassroots up. We invite local peacebuilding groups nationwide to join us in sharing their work on Peace Insight’s U.S. map and to tell us how they are building peace in their communities.
Over the past year, Peace Direct and the Alliance for Peacebuilding joined forces in the Peace Insight project to map and collect information from 162 organizations that exemplify and inspire what it means to be an everyday peacebuilder. Highlighted groups include International Committee of Artists for Peace. International Storytelling Center, YouthAlert! Black Lives Matter, Hands Across the Hills, and NextGen Peacebuilders. From rallying millions against racism, to encouraging peace and understanding through storytelling, to strengthening urban-rural dialogue, these local grassroots organizations and movements are striving to address polarization and inequality and build peaceful communities in creative and conflict sensitive ways.
In the words of Bridget Moix, Peace Direct U.S Senior Representative and Head of Advocacy:
“For Martin Luther King Jr., returning violence for violence only serves to multiply violence, adding darkness to a night devoid of stars. At Peace Direct, we see local peacebuilders as brilliant points of light cutting through the darkness – shining hope and optimism into their communities and to the world. We all have a part to play in building bridges, being peacebuilders and advancing non-violent paths to change. Mapping local peacebuilding in the U.S., we hope, is just the first step in helping link and support people across communities working for peace in our own country and with others.
Join us in mapping U.S peacebuilding
The many groups we have already mapped across the U.S. shows the many places and ways Americans can serve, and are doing so, in the name of peace. Please help us continue to grow the map.
We encourage you to contact an organization near you and get involved. If you are part of a peacebuilding organization not currently on the map, share your work with us through the steps below so we can include you in the mapping, and forward this on to others.
Together we can continue Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of dedicated action for peace, non-violence, and justice in our own communities and around the world.
Here's how:
1) Do you know of a peacebuilding organization not currently on the map? Add an organization to the U.S. peacebuilding map, click:
2) Do you know of datasets that map conflict and violence across the U.S.? We are also integrating conflict data on the map and are looking for more sources of information. You can send your ideas and recommendations to
3) Do you want to find out more about the mapping? Explore grassroots peacebuilders and find out how you can get involved.
By Elizabeth Hume, Alliance for Peacebuilding and Sarah Phillips, Peace Direct