Dr Abul Kalam
Dr Abul Kalam has a background of both peace research and strategic studies. As a Carleton graduate he studied the challenges to Middle East peace with Lt Gen E L M Burns, the veteran Canadian peacekeeper. His doctoral research in the 1970s was on ‘Peacemaking in Indochina.’ Eminent historian P J N Tuck supervised his research. He also had guidance from the reputed peace practitioner Adam Curle and theoretician Johan Galtung, ‘Father of Peace Research’. His subsequent research at Dhaka, Berkeley, Urbana-Champaign, Oxford, Tokyo and Singapore covered also the field of development studies. He served as chair and professor of the Dept of International Relations, University of Dhaka. To advance the causes of peace he worked with Conflict & Change, Tower Hamlets Mediation Service and Muslim Mediation Service. Following 7/7 he became drawn in a Peace Direct project “Young Muslims Speak.” Currently, he works as Rector, Maryland College London. His contact email is: blkalam@yahoo.co.uk
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