ADR is an organisation that works to enhance the potential of local communities in Mali.
Last updated: يناير 2020
After a long period of work in development in the Kayes region of Mali, a group of young people committed themselves to pursue its development dynamics throughout the region. In 1996, they created the Association for the Support of Rural Development (ADR). The intervention strategy consists in improving the living environment of the populations by enhancing the local potential.
Objectives :
- Supporting locally initiated development actions
- Combating soil degradation through water and soil conservation
- Promoting the integration and valorization of women's development efforts through the promotion of income-generating activities
- Promote food self-sufficiency through the control of surface water and the improvement of agricultural techniques
- Promoting national languages through functional literacy
- Promote self-promotion of populations through training and counselling
Areas of action and skills :
- Rural infrastructure: Technical and socio-economic feasibility study and creation of infrastructures
- Agricultural consulting services: Monitoring - advising farmers on the structures put in place for optimal production
- Food and Nutrition Security (SAN): Emergency intervention in the context of food security, implementation against malnutrition / promotion of best food and nutritional practices
- Functional Literacy: Organisation of functional literacy sessions in partnership with producer organisations
- Support to organisation, mobilisation and management capacity: Support and advice to women's groups, management committee / mobilisation support for promotional activities in health, nutrition, hygiene and citizenship