Activate Labs

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Activate Labs is co-creating participatory peace through design, cultural organizing, and participatory video.

Last updated: نوفمبر 2021

Activate Labs envisions communities, cities and nations where everyone belongs and that together they lead their own transformation. We do this by co-creating participatory peace through design, cultural organizing, and participatory video. We are building a movement of peace designers that co-create collective futures for all.

Activate Labs has been part of a coalition of Peacebuilding organizations in the DC area "taking up space for peace" in the highly politicized spaces of recent protests, which are often at risk for state violence and other forms of violence. "Peace Activations" in public spaces feature art, music, dancing, and festival like experiences, creating space for various forms of expression and trauma healing. These Peace Activations, which have previously been held with thousands of participants in immigrant shelters, in front of detention centers, and in public spaces and communities in Mexico, Colombia and the USA, are often tied to larger policy and narrative change efforts and provide an immersive experience for participants in support of mass action for change.

In COVID times, Activate Labs has also worked in partnership with the Mary Hoch Center for Reconciliation at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution to create "The Hive." The Hive is a digital space for peacebuilders, changemakers and creative types to belong, co-create and grow during pandemic times. It has provided support, through both the opportunity to continue to learn new skills and the opportunity to help make sense of the current times with peacebuilders from around the USA and world.

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