Association "Peaceful and Business Caucasus"

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Association "Peaceful and Business Caucasus" supports the peaceful transformation of conflict and the improvement of living conditions of vulnerable groups.
Last updated: فبراير 2018


Over the course of the last few years, the organisation has conducted more than thirty social, economic and peacebuilding projects to meet these objectives.

From 2012 to March 31, 2015, APBC implemented a humanitarian peacebuilding project, the aim of which was to provide medical assistance to residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, funded under the EU-UNDP joint COBERM initiative. In the last 3 years, more than 500 ethnic Abkhaz and up to eighty ethnic Ossetians were treated in medical facilities of Kutaisi and Tbilisi with the help of the Association "Peaceful and Business Caucasus". Apart from that, the organisation completed the renovation of Gali District Hospital in Abkhazia, which serves the Gali district and surrounding areas. Although the financial assistance of COBERM finishes in March 2015, and the association has decreased the intensity of its activities, it still continues operating the project on a lower scale.

In 2013, with the support of the Eurasian Partnership Foundation (EFP), the APBC has succesfully implemented the project 'Strengthening Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian integration processes through supporting long-term, coalition networking cooperation in the public sector'. The project encouraged Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian business-partnerships, new connections, and served as a confidence building mechanism.

In 2012-2014 the organisation implemented an agricultural plant protection project in three villages in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region and seven in Abkhazia. The project was funded by UNDP and COBERM. The project had three main outputs: 1. Agro-economical development of local communities; 2. Environmental protection and 3. Strengthening of Georgian-Abkhaz confidence-building process.

APBC pays special attention to business connections, economical relations and people-to-people relations in its peacebuilding approaches. Therefore, in the last few years APBC's initiatives have resulted in:

  • 210 Abkhazians and 177 Ossetians have participating in the commercial-economical tours in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi;
  • Forty-four Abkhazians and nineteen Ossetians were trained in Tbilisi and Kutaisi.
  • As a result, thirty-three Georgian – Abkhazian and eleven Georgian - Ossetian small business projects were developed. Fundraising for these projects is still in progress;
  • APBC has recently initiated an employment and internship programme from IDP youth from Abkhazia. The youth were placed in the “Business Incubator” established in 2014. For the next 2-3 years the organisation plans to prepare 200 young people (per year) for employment through its internship opportunities.

In September 2015, Peaceful and Business Caucasus started the new project "Medicine, as an Instrument of Peace and Confidence Building'' with the support of the Republic of Slovakia. The goal of the project is to rebuild confidence between Georgian, Abkhaz, Ossetian societies and communities divided by the conflict. In the framework of the project, Abkhazian patients (at least twenty patients),who do not have Georgian citizenship and are excluded from the Universal Health Insurance programme of Georgia, will be transported to Georgian controlled territory and provided with high-quality, comprehensive humanitarian assistance.

In 2015,`Supporting income generation and employment of the Internally Displaced People and population living across the occupation line`(is being implemented with `Business Incubator` of Abkhazia) Donor: USAID/NEO;  

Association "Peaceful and Business Caucasus” (APBC) in partnership with European Union   and UN  development program  COBERM 3 began  medical-humanitarian project   "  Let's Conquer Viruses , Surmount Mistrust  and Build  Peace" from August 15, 2016.

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