Council for Advancement of Rural Development (CAPARD)

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CAPARD’s mission is to empower conflict-affected communities in northern Uganda to participate in processes of healing, reconciliation and development.
Last updated: يوليو 2015

Council for Advancement of people’s Action and Rural Development (CAPARD) was established by a group of young people to contribute to the reconstruction and development of Uganda after the region emerged from conflict.

CAPARD’s mission is to empower conflict-affected communities in northern Uganda to participate in processes of healing, reconciliation and development in their area.

CAPARD's programme focus is on post-conflict rural building as the lead theme. It also addresses issues pertaining to peace and conflict resolution and livelihoods. Its prime targets are vulnerable sectors of the population, especially young people, women, people living with HIV and AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children.

CAPARD has achieved significant impacts in the areas of understanding and implementing justice and reconciliation practices in Uganda

CAPARD advocacy has helped raise awareness of the issues and diffculties facing former combatants as they reintegrate into their communities. In its documentation, CAPARD has given communities who have suffered major atrocities a space to tell their stories. In its reports, it has explained how local justice works in relation to national and international processes, and exposed the moral and judicial complexities of returnees who are both victims and perpetrators.

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