The Coalition for Justice and Non-Discrimination seeks to counter xenophobia, hate speech, and hate in Kyrgyzstan.
The Coalition for Justice and Non-Discrimination was created as an initiative group consisting from more than 20 local NGOs in 2012.
The main aims of the Coalition for Justice and Non-Discrimination is the development and lobbing of anti-discrimination legislation in the Kyrgyz Republic and countering xenophobia in its different types, combating hate speech, hate crime, encouraging diversity, and the protection of minority rights.
Beginning in 2013, the organisation has been implementing the Together Against Xenophobia Project supported by Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan. The main purpose of this project is to mobilize local NGOs to promote anti-discrimination initiatives. In the framework of this project, the Coalition's team has made a legal analysis of the draft of legislation "On the formation of a positive attitude toward non-traditional forms of sexual relations", arguing that it is in contradiction with the Constitution and international human rights standards.