The Concerned Parents Assocation Uganda (CPA-Uganda) is a child-focused organisation formed in 1996 by a group of parents affected by the abduction of children by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The formation of CPA was sparked off immediately after the abduction of 139 schoolgirls from St. Mary’s College Aboke, on 10 October 1996.
CPA-Uganda was formed to seek the immediate and unconditional release of all abducted children, and their rehabilitation and reintegration into the communities. In doing so it aims to help build sustainable peace in Uganda. Other CPA programmes include the coordination and networking of peace advocates, research, documentation and capacity-building.
CPA-Uganda's motto is “every child is my child.”
To have a peaceful society where children's rights are observed and respected.
"A child focused organisation devoted to promotion of peace and social stability of children affected by war in uganda through advocacy and psychosocial support”.
Current CPA programmes include peace advocacy and awareness creation, research, documentation and capacity-building, networking and collaboration, psychosocial support for war-affected families.