Crimea SOS

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Crimea SOS support peacebuilding efforts and work to improve the cultural, social and economic situation in Ukraine.
Last updated: ديسمبر 2019

Crimea SOS was established by volunteers on 27 February 2015, on the first day of the annexation of Crimea, with the aim of publishing information on what was happening.

Main objectives

The overall goal of Crimea SOS is to support peacebuilding efforts and improve the cultural, social and economic situation in Ukraine. The NGO focuses on helping internally displaced people from Crimea and Eastern Ukraine within various programmes, from emergency humanitarian and legal aid work to supporting the integration of IDPs and searching for long-term solutions. Its other key focus is the human rights situation in Crimea and conducting advocacy on Crimean issues.

Main activities

  • Working on issues relating to the peaceful return of Crimea to Ukraine;
  • Advocacy on issues related to IDPs;
  • Monitoring and analysis of human rights violation of IDPs and people in the Crimea;
  • Supporting the Qiriminfo information centre (which monitors and circulates updates from Crimea)
  • Supporting a Legal center - providing consultations to IDPs and advocacy to ensure the rights of affected populations;
  • Providing educational programmes including courses, training, and master classes;
  • Providing humanitarian aid;
  • Providing psychological support to overcome difficulties relating to the needs of people adapting to new places;
  • Supporting the development and reformation of state bodies in the social sphere.
  • Since July 2014, Crimea SOS has been an implementing partner of the UNHCR in programmes related to the protection of IDP rights.
  • Working as a a member of the “Hub “House of Free people” initiative in Kiev, where affected populations can receive a wide range of support.

Main achievements

  • Providing humanitarian support worth 500,000 USD;
  • 160,000 IDPs have received various types of support;
  • Holding 80,000 consultations including 20,000 on legal issues;
  • Providing shelter to more than 1000 people.

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