CROTINN is a coalition of NGOs working towards peaceful coexistence and good governance in the south-south region of Nigeria.
Last updated: أكتوبر 2021
The Conflict Resolution Trainers Network (CROTINN) works in the areas of peace education, democracy, development, environmental conflict, research and public enlightenment to build a strong and informed voice on public policy issues in Nigeria. It was established in 1997 as a coalition of NGOs in order to work towards peaceful coexistence and good governance in the southern region of Nigeria.
CROTINN is skilled in conflict management and non-violence training. The organisation participated, as a facilitator and co-trainer, in the Federal Government Amnesty Programme for ex-militants in the Niger Delta.
Major achievements
- Organised training programmes on developing strategies for peacebuilding and conflict resolution for Biseni and Agbere communities.
- Facilitated several workshops on building a coalition of local NGOs to maintain relationships between elected legislators and the community.