Indreni Rural Development Centre (IRDC) Nepal is a non-governmental, non-profitable and non-political social development organization registered inRupandehi district in 1994 by a group of development professionals with great aspiration of social transformation. The IRDC is the pioneer civil society organization in Rupandehi working in human rights, women empowerment, community development, livelihood promotion, health, WASH, education, environment, disaster risk reduction, good governance with the people living in geographically remote areas and deprived from development initiatives and socially excluded and economically marginalized.
- Education
- Livelihoods
- Environment
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Resource Management
- Water Supply
- Sanitation
- Human Rights Promotion
- Good Governance
In order to systematize the organizational activities, IRDC has developed policies on personnel, finance, security, gender, children, and established Emergency Relief Fund. The organization believes it has efficient human resources and an active board of directors to manage the organization's programs and activities. It has a central office at Butwal and field offices in programme districts and village development committees (VDCs). This organization is working the various VDCs and municipalities of Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi, Palpa and Arghakhanchi of Lumbini zone.
The major projects/programs completed by this organization are:
Social Mobilization for Local Resource Management in Community Forestry with the support of LFP (DFID), IFP.
Integrated Economic Development for Vulnerable Communities Project with ADRA Nepal.
Capacity Building of Civil Society for the Strengthening of Fundamendamental Rights and Democracy with National Peace Campaign and Creative International Forum/EU.
Local Body Grants Expenditure & Community Engagement Survey and Monitoring Compliance of Local Bodies with Legislative and Policy Requirement with LGAF
Enhancing Human Rights of Terai Dalit Communities - EU
Reducing Social Tensions and Social Crimes and Enhancing Tolerance for Sustainable Peace Conciliation Process in North-west Communities of Kapilvastu District with EU
Local Governance and Community Development Project - DDC Rupandehi
Reintegration of Conflict Affected Children and Youth - UNICEF
Preparation of District Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan of Rupandehi and Kapilvastu - DDRC Rupandehi and Kapilvastu
Research / Study Reports – Socio-economic Survey of Butwal Municipality, Local Disaster Risk Management Plan of Butwal Municipality, Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA) of 10 VDCs of Rupandehi and Nawalparasi, District Profiles of Rupandehi etc