Kenya Land Alliance (KLA)

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KLA) works to provide secure and equitable access to land and natural resources, allowing people to develop sustainable livelihoods in Kenya.
Last updated: ديسمبر 2014

The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) works to provide secure and equitable access to land and natural resources, allowing people to develop sustainable livelihoods.

The KLA gathers and disseminates information with the goal of implementing comprehensive land policy and law reforms in Kenya. It aims to raise awareness among civil society, the government, donors, and the public in order to create greater understanding of what is needed to secure and protect the land rights of rural, urban poor and other disadvantaged groups. It aims to provide constructive criticism and also be proactive, generating policy and legal options and suggestions to further the debate.

Key initiatives

The Women Land Rights Project.

The Women Land Rights Project is a project of Kenya Land Alliance that aims at actualization Women land and property rights as provided in the Constitution of Kenya, 2013 and as a means towards poverty alleviation. This considering the fact that, in Kenya where the foundation of most communities is Agriculture and livestock

Dialogue forums with council of elders

The reality that current legislation and institutional reforms must interact with traditional land governance customs and practices led to the inception of dialogue forums with councils of elders. To date, the KLA has held dialogue forums with represenatatives of the Kalenjin, Luo, Njuri Ncheke, Taita, Luhya, and Kaya people, as well as Somali elders from Wajir.

Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods

The 2010 Kenyan Constitution 2010 was special for communities living in arid and semi-arid areas in Kenya, as it was the first to consider community land as one of the three land tenure systems in Kenya. If implemented effectively,this will mark the beginning of a process which will allow communities an opportunity to take control over the access, ownership and usage of their land and natural resources for improved livelihoods. In support of this, the KLA is running a project towards securing the land rights of communities within arid regions in Kenya, which aims to create sustainable pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods 2016.

Major achievements:

The KLA has:

  • Worked in cooperation with other NGOs and the Kenyan Ministry of Land to publish a pocket version of the national land policy
  • Trained over 600 women on land and property rights in each of Kenya's eight regions
  • Increased the popularity of the Women Land Rights Concept among elders, with some fiercely in support of the women's land rights
  • Built and strengthened strategic partnerships with local and international civil society groups, government ministries and other agencies working on land issues
  • Increased media focus on women's land rights, with features and articles increasingly appearing that discuss the shift in attitude towards the issue.

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