KIIDA-U is a Non Governmental Charity Organization (NGO), non-religious, non-political and non-profit making organisation, based in northern Uganda in the war torn district of Kitgum.
When the communities in the region were internally displaced (IDPs) in camps, as a result of the LRA civil war, the communities were hit hard by food shortage and gross violation of human rights. “Marauders” found it as an opportunity to sexually exploit young girls and women as the victims look for ways of survival.
Communities did not have the opportunity to grow their own food, which they also raise income from the sale of surplus as they used to do before they were herded up camps, and as a result they were struck by serious food shortage and malnutrition.
Young girls and women were sexually exploited by soldiers and businessmen as the victims look for ways for survival in camps, as a result rate of HIV/AIDS spread and infection went high, and many people lost their lives. Many children were left parentless because their parents died of HIV/AIDS or due to war, leaving the burden of caring for the orphans in the hands of resource –constrained and bare-handed grandmothers.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Onen & Joyce F. Onen (the founders) looked at these as terrible situations that needed human attention, and the two founders/couple pooled out their own meagre family resources to start helping the miserable community especially women and children with food, second hand clothes and blankets.
During distribution of these items, communities were sensitized on their rights, child neglect, Domestic violence, danger and prevention HIV/AIDS.
The interventions of the founder members drew attentions from sympathizers who willingly started to contribute their resources for the benefit of the suffering communities.
As the demand for our services/intervention grew, there was need to legalize this Family Charity Initiative-FCI as a legal entity by the government for recognition to give legal mandate to operate fully as an NGO with the relevant structures for better governance and management..
This has created a great impact in the communities which was recorded by the district Local Authority and Community for the practical approach.
Because of its good practice, KIIDA has expanded its activities over the last 6 years to cover from 2 to 5 districts in a Acholi sub region (over 3.5m people), implementing Agricultural and Income Generating Activities, supporting OVCs War and HIV/AIDS affected, at school with scholastic materials, uniforms and little school fees (Education), Human Rights promotion and good governance. The Organization has implemented these activities for over 6 years now, with a proven record of implementation.
Community like this project because of our unique approach of working/involving the community in need in design, implementation and Monitoring/Evaluation of these projects from the very grassroots (IDPs), creating in them a big ownership and sustainability spirit