Kaveri Kala Manram (KKM) started as a youth cultural group using drama to address social marginalisation. Over the years, as a result of witnessing the conflict and the consequential displacement of people from the region, it evolved to engage in and facilitate the rehabilitation and resettlement of returning IDPs. KKM uses drama as a key approach to generate a community spirit and facilitate healing in returning IDPs and children in the Jaffna peninsula, supporting them in the process of rebuilding their lives. KKM focuses on creating social unity, promoting socio-economic development and safeguarding and developing human resources as its mission. Inculcating and developing thoughts and ethics based on equality, peace and non-violence are key to the process.
KKM initiated a resettlement project in Malaylapuram village, together with the support of local village leaders and the Security Forces. The group used a community based rehabilitation method introduced by the WHO as their primary approach. As a result of KKM’s groundwork, the strategies and networks built through the project, the villagers indicate successful resettlement and a return to livelihoods. KKM has also supported school children in Jaffna to learn about cooperation, peace and non-violence through drama.