Peace Alliance

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The Peace Alliance empowers civic engagement toward a culture of peace.
Last updated: فبراير 2018

The Peace Alliance empowers civic engagement toward a culture of peace.

Who We Are:
We are an alliance of organizers and advocates throughout the United States taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the centers of national discourse and policy priorities. Our network includes volunteer grassroots teams in cities, towns, colleges and high school campuses across the nation.

What We Do:
A great need exists in our country and world for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to preventing and resolving violent conflict. From the growing rate of domestic incarceration to increasing problems of international conflict, the United States faces great challenges around the issue of violence in our homes, communities and world. We do our part in the following ways:

Our Primary focus is on these Five Peacebuilding Cornerstones:

Empowering Community Peacebuilding,
Teaching Peace in Schools,
Humanizing Justice Systems,
Fostering International Peace,
Cultivating Personal Peace.


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