Réseau Culturel Sangwa

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RNS has the aim of contributing to building peaceful and prosperous Rwanda characterised by social justice and equity.
Last updated: مايو 2018

Réseau Culturel Sangwa (RCS) is a local Non-Government Organization created in 2006. The organization has the aim of contributing to building peaceful and prosperous society characterized by a social justice and equity based on core values. It has the mission of building and accompanying  the peaceful households, characterized by the dialogue, peace, equity, the access to basic needs and to socio-economic cultural self –fulfillment.

The organization pursues the following objectives: 

  1. To encourage dialogue between parents and children, women head of households and couples
  2. to develop the culture of peace and promote equity within communities
  3. to raise awareness among communities on Human rights and providing legal assistance
  4. to enhance living conditions of community.

In the area of reconciliation, the organization has sensitized community members to consider prisoners as human being and remind them that the rights of ex-prisoners have to be protected. The organization works alongside the communities using coaching and counseling as approach of transforming behaviors of communities ‘members, building self-reliance and solidarity among the community members.

The work of the organisation is built on three key elements: : peace- health –prosperity and is guided by the following principle: there is no peace if there is no healthy conditions of life, if basic needs are not satisfied. As approaches, the organisation mainly uses arts such as poems, songs ( with cultural dance); writing fables as means of promoting the culture of peace; and  organising trainings. Basically, families are the prime beneficiaries of the organisation’s interventions.  More than 200 families have benefited from RCS’s work.

In its efforts to contribute to building peaceful, healthy and prosperous families, the organisation has intervened in the following areas of activities.

  • Promoting unity and reconciliation through: Creating community platforms that bring together ex-prisoners who committed genocide and were released after completing their sentence and the genocide survivors in order to assist and accompany their reintegration
  • Addressing and fighting against domestic violence: the organisation has implemented a project aimed at increasing the awareness of single mothers about the danger of violent and strengthening their economic power.
  • Promoting Gender equality and environment protection: the organisation conducted activities aimed at empowering women for ensuring an equal and effective participation of women and men in all environmental protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Promoting behaviour change through information, education and communication in relation with peace building and inclusive development.

Reseau Culturel Sangwa is an active member of of  Profemmes/Twese Hamwe ( an umbrella of Women organisations). It is also member of United Religions Initiative (URI) and Rwanda NGOs Forum (RNGOF).

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