Shanti Community Animation Movement

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SCAM integrates restorative justice initiatives into community development work in war affected areas of Sri Lanka.
Last updated: ديسمبر 2019

Shanti Community Animation Movement (SCAM) works with victims of war in the North & East of Sri Lanka who are suffering the scars of stress due to the trauma of war: loved ones lost, houses, valuables and even their very dignity destroyed. SCAM can only work towards creating an environment conducive to peace and reconciliation. With the collaboration of the Resilience Research Unit of the Catholic University of Milan we employ a methodology based on the theoretical and practical construct of resilience. The resilience approach emphasizes a new way of looking at life’s experiences, even when they are painful and looking to the future with confidence. SCAM tries to initiate a rapport between the victims and the perpetrators of the injustice working on community development in a restorative justice mode. The train of this friendly rapport is laid on a track of sincerity & love. Trust & faith slowly emerge; the emotions of fear, suspicion and mistrust give way to a feeling of being mutually accepted, respected & loved. We have sown the seeds of reconciliation & peace in the hearts of the estranged and wait for them to sprout with transcendent providence.

In Colombo SCAM works with the poor, ostracized & marginalized sections of society living on the banks of the Wellawatte and Dehiwela canals. SCAM provides free preschool education and nutrition while the school going children are offered complementary education programs in sewing & dancing. Festivals of all religions are celebrated providing an ambience of harmony & good will, love & acceptance. Tender care of the elderly every Saturday via relaxation with music, dance, peer-gossip & provision of food being a sign of love! Carpet weaving and sewing are occupations which afford them therapeutic effects. We provide humanitarian aid to victims of natural disasters through the Ministry of Disaster Management of the Government of Sri Lanka. These programs create a happy space for people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. SCAM's offer of love being non sectarian, sincere & without a hidden agenda is accepted without reservation. Love accepted, begets love. The multiplier effect of this love thus initiated causes a change of heart which leads to an in-depth transformation of self & society.

Copy of shanti-logo
Voluntary Social Service Organization,Registration - L - 142801 of 24. 01. 2011
106/3, Sri Saranankara Road, Dehiwela, Sri Lanka,
+ 94 11 2727941 | |


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