Windows for Peace is a joint non-profit organisation of Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel and Palestinians from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Windows for Peace is working to promote acquaintance, understanding and reconciliation between both peoples mainly through media-related educational programs for young people which promote greater awareness, motivation and ability to work towards justice and peace.
Windows believes that any political solution in the Middle East should be achieved in a democratic way and should ensure that both Palestinians and Jews live as equals with equal and comprehensive human rights. Since 1991, Windows has empowered participants to work as active citizens towards creating positive change in society: working to end the occupation, fighting racism, discrimination and any other violations of human rights.
The organisations activity is based on voluntary work and funded mostly by donations.
Windows believes in the effectiveness of long term projects. The youth projects begin at the start of high school and end at graduation. The young people first have the opportunity to comprise the Windows Youth Editorial Board, the organisation’s Hebrew-Arabic youth publication. The youth may continue their involvement through Through the Lens, a video group project. Following this widows encourage participation in our Youth Leadership Programme. In this stage, they equip the youth with further skills to help them utilise their Windows experience to be leaders and activists in the local and global peace movement.
A second major initiative is an in-school program, Through the School Window, which uses the magazine and other materials as tools for discussion and dialogue. The school programme offers a basket of activities including workshops, art exhibitions, letter exchanges, magazine distribution and more and work with each school to build an individualized programme best suited to their needs and possibilities.