Women’s Progressive Social Union (WPSU) “Mutakalim”

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Mutakalim promotes a positive image of women’s lives by using by using religion to unite the various ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan.
Last updated: January 2017

Women’s Progressive Social Union (WPSU) “Mutakalim” was established in 2000 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Mutakalim aims to help create a tolerant society, encourage women rights, and promote a positive image of women’s lives by using by using religion to unite the various ethnic groups.

Mutakalim has implemented a number of projects with focus on:

  • Development of women's leadership among religious communities
  • Development of women’s activism;
  • Protection of women rights;
  • Combating violence against women; and
  • Peacebuilding


The main peacebuilding project of the organisation is the "Multispectral cooperation for interethnic peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan" funded by  UNFPA.  The project focuses on engaging government, civil society, and the media at all levels to support interethnic dialogue and cooperation. Main activities were:

  • Development of a community action toolkit on peacebuilding in the community for religious and community leaders, and teachers in Islamic schools (madrassas);
  • Delivering training on peacebuilding and reconciliation to religious and community leaders;
  • Development and introduction of the “Program for Peace Education”, based on the community action toolkit, into existing curriculum for madrassas;
  • Engagement of madrassa students in the efforts on inter-ethnic peacebuilding; and
  • Promotion of zero tolerance to all forms of violence.

During the project implementation, the Mutakalim established over 450 peace initiatives in 120 ethnic communities in Kyrgyzstan.

The actions focused on tolerance, encouraging diversity and peaceful coexistence. As a result, religious women from communities became agents of change and began working for the development of their community, while promoting respect for universal human rights, diversity and difference.

Partners of the organisation include:

  • UNDP
  • Search for common ground
  • Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

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