The Flomo Theater Production was established for the purpose of promoting peace, development and reconciliation in Liberia through theatre.
The Flomo Theater Production (FTP) was established for the purpose of promoting peace, development and reconciliation in Liberia. FTP is playing a meaningful role in the ongoing peacebuilding, reconstruction and reconciliation programs in post war Liberia. The institution is interacting with national and international organisations at various levels as it seeks to build peace through the preservation and promotion of Liberia's cultural heritage.
During the civil war, FTP used its artistic talents to call for peace through performances in the territories of warring factions and displaced peoples camps. The FTP took peace messages to thousands of Liberian refugees across the border in the Mano River Union Countries, as well as establish theatre troupes for the preservation and promotion of Liberia's cultural heritage.
Major achievements
FTP, the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, Press Union of Liberia and International Alert, implemented the Liberian Media Project from 2007 to 2009.The project organised peace festivals across Liberia by using art and culture to promote peace not only in Liberia but the wider Mano River Union basin. Under this project, community radio stations were established throughout the country.
In 2010 FTP and WAPNET, with support from the Peacebuilding Office, implemented the "Fast Track" reconciliation project in Grand Gedeh and Nimba Counties.
FTP is presently implementing the Community Reconciliation Dialogue Project in five slum communities in Monrovia (New Kru Town, Clara Town, Battery Factory, West Point and Red Light Communities). This project is under the IREX CSML funded by USAID.