Caritas Nepal began its work in 1990 with the goal of empowering poor, marginalised and disadvantaged people to reduce poverty, secure humanitarian assistance in times of emergency and conflict, and realise social justice and peace. The organisation also works in the areas of human rights and gender equality.
Peace Department Project: National Peace Programme
Caritas Nepal's "National Peace Programme" project is designed to support internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict affected people to live life with dignity. The major objective of the project is to sensitise affected communities on peace, harmony, and human rights through raising awareness, providing livelihood options and empowering them to promote peace and a just society at the local level.
Major achievements:
- Helped approximately 1,500 IDPs return home.
- Conflict-affected persons and IDPs were reconciled with the help of training, income generation programmes, and interaction and social mobilization programmes.
- Skill development vocational training for conflict-affected young people and widowed women.
- Formation of youth clubs and information centres in conflict-affected areas.
- Formation of more than 10 mediation centres in target project areas.