Research this month
Righting the wrong: Strengthening local humanitarian leadership to save lives and strengthen communities
If we are to save more lives, the international humanitarian system must be turned on its head by shifting more power and resources to local actors.
Righting the wrong, from Oxfam, calls for a rethink of the international humanitarian system to place more emphasis on local capacity. By giving greater attention to locals, the report argues, aid is more likely to be based on local needs and priorities leading to more effective humanitarian aid.
Inside Syria: what local actors are doing for peace
The two peacebuilding priorities that were commonly mentioned by nearly all respondents irrespective of their location, affiliation, or main activities were: i) ending the violence and foreign military interventions; and ii) starting a national dialogue
Inside Syria, from Swisspeace, maps local peacebuilding actors involved in the Syrian conflict. Based on 143 interviews with local leaders in Syria and Lebanon, the study provides a picture of the local peacebuilding initiatives active in Syria and the particular challenges facing peace in the country.
Investing in Iraq’s Peace: How Good Governance Can Diminish Support for Violent Extremism
This research finds that recent citizen-oriented governance investments such as civil society programs are beginning to demonstrate impact: public confidence in civil society is rising, creating an opportunity that must be seized.
Investing in Iraq’s Peace, from Mercy Corps, examines the factors behind violent extremism in Iraq and challenges the widely held assumption that sectarianism is the main cause of radicalisation and conflict. The report highlights the importance poor governance in driving conflict and the role local civil society plays in improving the situation.
Political parties and peacebuilding
Political parties can play a powerful role in advancing peace, as they have done at times in Nepal, or in blocking it, as the SLFP and smaller Sinhalese nationalist parties did in Sri Lanka. It is therefore vital that international actors strengthen engagement with them.
Political parties and peacebuilding, from NOREF, looks at the role political parties play in peacebuilding. Taking three countries as case studies, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar, the paper shows both the positive and negative influence political parties can have in peace processes. And yet, despite their potential contribution to peace, support to political parties has often been neglected.
A Community of Peoples: Bottom up Regional Integration in the Horn of Africa
While the track record and prognosis for formal economic integration in the IGAD may appear bleak, this is only one side of the picture. There are dynamics that are often overlooked, which show that the IGAD region is actually even more integrated than captured by conventional measures of integration.
A community of peoples is the latest edition of the Life and Peace Insititute's Horn of Africa Bulletin. The publication brings together a series of articles looking at grassroots and informal examples of regional integration in the Horn of Africa. Subjects include economic activities of the Somali diaspora in Kenya, regional approaches to reconciliation, and the role of civil society in the East African Community.