The kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls from Chibok mobilised the world against the cruelty and brutality of Boko Haram, but this is only one incident in a series of atrocities. Even the headline incidents – 645 unarmed prisoners executed in 2014; the bombing of the central mosque in Kano; the use of children as suicide bombers – are only of a pattern of violence that has devastated the region. There are over two million internally displaced people, a fragile local economy has been shattered, and deep divisions have opened up within communities, shattering coexistence between groups that have lived together for generations.
I met this peacebuilder and many others this month as part of a ‘Peace Exchange’ event that Peace Direct organised in Kano, the largest city in the north of Nigeria in July this year. This brought together 17 local peacebuilding organisations to collectively analyse the conflicts facing their communities, and develop joint strategies to help local groups build peace and prevent more mass atrocities in the region.
Image: Immanuel Afolabi/ The Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University
And yet, despite the fact that we were discussing such painful and shocking topics, I came away with an increased sense of hope, both for Northern Nigeria and more profoundly for the ability of humans to survive and rebuild even in the midst of violence. The peacebuilders told remarkable stories of how they were inspired to work for peace. In many cases, it was a personal experience of conflict.
One man, a Christian, told me how he had narrowly escaped being killed by a mob in the mass violence that erupted in Kano in 2004. He was saved only by his Muslim neighbour who sheltered him. The experience motivated him to quit his job and form a peacebuilding initiative together with other people similarly affected. Another man, also from Kano, was back in the city of his birth, from where he had had to flee three years ago because he was on a list of targets for Boko Haram. He is now based in another state, but still working for interfaith understanding.
In part, this may be due to the fact that over the past few years the Nigerian army has succeeded in pushing back Boko Haram, albeit with serious human rights violations along the way. Surveyed community members were also overwhelmingly aware of the work of local peacebuilding organisations, and they tended to view these interventions as very successful. Local groups have made a real contribution to improving the prospects for the region, bringing greater optimism for the future.Image: Immanuel Afolabi/ The Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University
In the week of our event, more than 80 people in Benue State were massacred in the last attacks in a bloody conflict between herders and pastoralists that claimed over 1,200 lives in 2014 alone.
Michael Olufemi Sodipo, our Local Peacebuilding Expert for Nigeria who planned and organised the event said, “If the international community needs to learn one thing to better help resolve the conflict in Nigeria, it is to better understand the situation here. It is not just ‘the Christian south against the Muslim north’. There are many causes to the conflict in Nigeria, and many divisions, but also many things that bring us together that we need to build upon.”
A shift to a more locally-led approach, directly engaging and supporting civil society groups like those we met with, will increase the chances of reducing the devastation caused by the range of conflicts that affect Northern Nigeria.
Read and download our report: Local Voices for Peace in Northern Nigeria.
This is the first in a series of reports Peace Direct will be producing on the views and strategies of local peacebuilders in conflict zones in order to highlight local expertise and capacities for peace.