What is the People’s Women’s Organisation?
"The People’s Women’s Organisation (OFP) is a social and political organisational process. It promotes the formation of political subjects with both class and gender consciousness.
"We resist armed conflict and all forms of violence, whether they are cultural, social, economic or political, and we work to promote the right to a dignified life and to protect the fundamental human rights of women and local communities. The OFP views the process of community organising, education, and promoting mass mobilisation as means of transforming the Colombian reality and achieving peace with social justice."
How does the armed conflict affect women in Colombia?
"Without exception, women in Colombia are attacked on the one hand by the structural conditions of social inequality and on the other hand by the state that gives protection to a sexist, patriarchal system, and by the illegal armed actors, the military and paramilitary forces that convert women into objects of sexual exploitation."
What has been the role of women in the struggle for peace in Colombia?
"In Colombia it is women who suffer the devastating consequences of the war to a greater extent, and it is they, the women, who with conviction have put forward proposals for the ending of this social, cultural and political evil that plagues their communities. To quote just a few figures, there are around 5 million displaced people, 70% of them are women and girls. There are 4 million forced disappearances, four thousand trade unionists have been killed, it is still not possible to calculate the damage caused to women as a result of sexual violence.
"The research carried out up until now has shown that in the majority of cases of forced displacement sexual violence has been used as a weapon to force evictions. These forced evictions have seen the best land pass from peasant and indigenous communities to paramilitaries and state forces – to such an extent today that 1% of the population owns 80% of the land.
Can you explain more about the work of the Movement?
"The organisation is made up by women from poor regions, women peasant farmers, politicians, indigenous, students, workers, women working at home, displaced women, women in the cities, academics, women from regional peace organisations, from victim organisations, all of whom have taken on the Movement’s principles of autonomy and civility.
"In 1996 the women started to join together to find solutions to their exasperation with the war. As a result they pushed for the creation of this new movement. First it was about expressing concerns, then it became about proposals, and today it is a process from which we have constructed a platform for struggle on a national level.
"The Movement is ultimately an expression of women calling out to the Government and to the armed actors for the negotiated and political solution to the conflict."
What have been the principal lessons from these different processes of resistance?
"Without doubt there have been many experiences and many lessons – many are impregnated with pain as a result of the huge costs that inevitably arise when struggling against war. In this long journey we have lost many human lives and we have lost a lot in a material sense too. We are convinced however that it has been worth the effort to unite ourselves in joint struggle, constructing different proposals to support and enhance people’s lives, removing youngsters from the war, and sowing the seeds of life in the cracks of the darkness. We have had many experiences aimed at creating a culture of peace and coexistence.
"Just in the last five years we have recorded 147 cases of death threats. We have had people forcibly disappeared, assassinated, tortured, discredited, we have been forced to live in exile. Thinking now, we have really managed to reinvent ourselves in order to overcome this fear and say to the world and to the armed actors that “it is better have fear and exist, than to cease to exist because of the fear”, and to say to the Colombian state “not another man or woman or Peso for the war”.
"We value extremely positively the construction of a social and political network, we value the work we have carried out in a national network, and we are proud of the internationalization of the Movement’s proposals. We have held five international events in which women from all continents have participated – together we were able to share knowledge, initiatives and dreams."
What message would you give to other women living in situations of armed conflict?