Contested Inclusions: Pitfalls of NGO Peace-Building Activities in Liberia "Contested Inclusions" , by Veronika Fuest, explores the use of peacebuilding workshops in Liberia, looking particularly at how they are interpreted by local communities. The paper argues that workshops often fail to give sufficient attention to the local dynamics of the conflict. This can lead to 'unintended consequences' - such as damaging relationships between communities, or strengthening repressive power structures.
Ghosts of Christmas Past: Protecting Civilians from the LRA The Christmases of 2008 and 2009 saw awful atrocities committed by the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) in DR Congo and Southern Sudan. "Ghosts of Christmas Past" is a joint NGO briefing paper which discusses measures that could be taken to prevent such acts occurring in the future. Amongst the recommendations put forward in the paper is learning from civil society experiences in disarming and reintegrating LRA soldiers.
The Role of Women in Global Security "The Role of Women in Global Security", published by USIP, explores how the role of women in global security could be improved. Based on discussions between people from all areas of peacebuilding, the report highlights some of the key obstacles, challenges, and opportunities for involving women in all aspects of global security.
Diasporas in Global Politics The Center for Global Studies have released "Diasporas in Global Politics". Drawing on the findings of a three-year comparative study, the policy brief discusses how diasporas challenge international approaches to foreign policy. The paper summarises some of the impacts of diasporas on their homeland, and the challenges and opportunities they represent.
Peace Building in Northern Ireland: A Role for Civil Society In "Peace Building in Northern Ireland" Colin Knox of the University of Ulster examines a civil society initiated peacebuilding project in a heavily segregated area of Belfast. The study provides positive evidence for the role of civil society in bringing divided communities together. The conclusion suggests that grassroots peacebuilding has an important role in social transformation in Northern Ireland.
Sudan Briefing In the run up to the referendum, at Insight on Conflict is publishing a weekly round-up of Sudan news and analysis. To see this week's copy and signup, please visit: /conflicts/sudan/sudan-briefing/