Insight on Conflict is currently seeking a ‘Local Correspondent’ to report on peacebuilding work in Rwanda.

For this role, we require someone with contacts in the NGO or peacebuilding sector, a strong interest in the media and reporting, and excellent written and spoken English. The role is ideal for someone pursuing a career in journalism or within the NGO sector.

The role is not full-time, though Local Correspondents do receive payment for work published on the website.

The applicant should speak and write both French and English fluently.

If you are interested in becoming Insight on Conflict's local correspondent for Rwanda or want further information, please don’t hesitate to contact

The deadline for applications is: 01 July 2013

Rwanda on Insight on Conflict

We wish to add peacebuilding organisations in Rwanda to Insight on Conflict. Based on initial internet research, as well as our experiences elsewhere, we believe that there will be many local groups working to build peace and prevent violence in Rwanda; however, it is difficult to find information on these groups. Therefore we would like to include Rwanda on Insight on Conflict, in order to bring information on their work to a wider audience. For this reason, we will require a Local Correspondent.

The work of the local Correspondents

In their role, the primary area of work of the Local Correspondent will be on investigating and supplying information on local peacebuilders.

The Local Correspondent is expected to occasionally submit posts to the Insight on Conflict blog. The blog gives space to Peace Direct and the Local Correspondents to respond instantly to developments in conflicts around the world. It also offers a place for more personal reflections by the Local Correspondents on their work.

The Local Correspondent is also expected to reply to any enquiries relating to their work, e.g. should we receive an email asking for further information on certain groups, etc.The Local Correspondent is also expected to ensure that information on peacebuilders in their section is up to date – we expect to update information every 6 months.

If you are interested in becoming Insight on Conflict's local correspondent for Rwanda or want further information, please don’t hesitate to contact

The deadline for applications is: 01 July 2013