AFRODEP carries out training, capacity building, research and advocacy work on peace and conflict in Nigeria.
Last updated: October 2021
Afro Centre for Development Peace and Justice (AFRODEP) is a Nigerian organisation that was established in November 2001 to work for conflict resolution and peace across different segments of society. AFRODEP carries out research, training, capacity building and advocacy work on peace and conflict in Nigeria.
Major achievements
- Monthly conflict situation assessment and reports: In 2007, AFRODEP conducted monthly reports on the conflict in Delta State in collaboration with Baton Mitee of MOSSOP/Ogoni Development Foundation and supported by DFID.
- Conflict mapping: Conducted conflict mapping exercises in Delta State, supported by Niger Delta Peace and Security Secretariat (PaSS).
- Community peacebuilding and conflict resolution: Conducted peacebuilding and resolution of intra-communal conflict activities in Delta State. AFRODEP successfully analysed the conflict between a community youth group and community elders. The resolution of the conflict led to the reconstruction of buildings destroyed during the conflict.
- Skills training for peace: UN Women funded a year long skills training programme for women from two ethnic tribes to engender peace. The project brought women from the two tribes together and they formed cooperatives with revolving loans.
- Peace talks and walks: Conducted a peace talk and peace walk with members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in commemoration of World Peace Day 2008. This was in collaboration with Netherlands based United Network of Young Peace Builders (UNOY).
- Peace education: Conducted peace education training workshops in selected secondary schools in collaboration with the Culture of Peace Initiative and UNOY.
- Capacity building: Conducted capacity building on peacebuilding and conflict management for community leaders in five communities, supported with funds from the European Commission Micro Projects Programme.