The Centre for Community Dialogue and Development works to promote an equal and just society in Kenya's rift valley region.
Last updated: March 2015
The Centre for Community Dialogue and Development works with local communities to promote an equal and just society in Kenya's rift valley region. An independent NGO, it is committed to empowering young people to take charge of their futures. It provides a platform for people to share skills and develop their potential, and runs a wide range of projects and programmes, including:
- Providing support to orphans and displaced people.
- Supporting the delivery of humanitarian aid.
- Fostering self-sustaining development across its areas of operation.
- Carrying out advocacy related to these issues.
- Developing historical justice work.
- Promoting sustainable development of the environment.
Major achievements
- Establishing information centres for communities to follow Kenyan parliamentary proceedings, with large turnouts frequently present.
- Training facilitators to coordinate activities within the information centre and act as situation monitors.
- Seeing local groups identify and develop their own plans for community empowerment.
- Setting up grassroots committees sourced in different villages around every centre. These have been pivotal in linking different activities, and the centre considers this a key achievement as it has led to work being coordinated across the programme.
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