Concordis International works impartially alongside those involved in or affected by armed conflict, so that through dialogue they may build relationships of mutual trust and together develop and implement policies that improve human security and lay firm foundations for lasting peace.
These systematic and well-researched discussions move beyond the lines of confrontation to build on shared purpose and explore new possibilities for peace. Rather than becoming involved in official peace negotiations, they aim to build relationships that pave the way for peace or contribute to post-conflict nation-building and the long-term transformation of relationships. The key issues of their approach are informal, inclusive and low-profile consultations; research into issues underlying the conflict; providing possible ways forward and practical solutions; meeting with influential individuals out of the spotlight, for greater flexibility and freedom; and a dedication to the long haul - not being distracted by headline-making crises.
Concordis International have provided a forum where leaders can meet informally and discuss key issues. The programme has contributed to a greater willingness on all sides to lay down weapons and to find constructive solutions to points of difference, and thus to the success of the formal peace talks. Subsequently, they have re-focused on arranging informal dialogue across a wide spectrum of Sudanese society, facilitating a convergence of the positions of all political parties, the private sector and civil society - horizontally (across the lines of conflict) and vertically (within constituencies) - with a view to the long-term transformation of relationships.
Concordis hosts regular consultations with key players of the main constituencies, provides research on socio-economic issues, and equips stakeholders with negotiation skills.