Dayton Peace Museum

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The Dayton International Peace Museum provides educational programs for members of the Dayton community.
Last updated: November 2019

Founded in 2004, the Dayton International Peace Museum raises awareness of nonviolent strategies for achieving peace now and in the future.

The Dayton International Peace Museum is a non-profit, primarily volunteer-run 501(c)3 organization and the only brick and mortar peace museum in North or South America.
Mission: The Dayton International Peace Museum has a mission to inspire a culture of peace – locally, nationally, and internationally.
Our programs and exhibits are non-partisan and feature themes of conflict resolution, social justice, tolerance, and protecting our natural world and the sentient creatures with which we share our planet.
Vision: We provide inspiration and opportunity to learn alternatives to war, violence, and injustice.
We honor Dayton’s history as the center for the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords with an emphasis on thinking globally while acting locally. The Museum is an active member of the International Network of Museums of Peace based in Kyoto.

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