Through sustainable development activities Femmes, Actions et Développement (Women, Action and Development, ADF) works to promote the protection and recognition of women's rights in Niger. FAD has established shelters for women struggling with financial or social problems and other forms of support for women in need. In addition to direct aid, FAD encourages the participation of women in the peace and development process in Niger, for example through training in entrepreneurship, management and non-violent conflict prevention.
FAD has activities in a variety of thematic areas, including :
- Combating all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination and promoting women's rights.
- Health issues, including the fight against HIV/AIDS and STIs, lowering the infant mortality rate, family planning assistance and implementing programmes on uterine cancer. It is helping to rehabilitate regional hospital clinics and establishing regional hospitals.
- Education and training, including promoting women's literacy and school improvements.
- Employment, including training, and providing micro-credits.
- Environment and water management, including informing people about the impact of climate change.
- Human rights. FAD has acted as a watchdog for human rights and democracy.
- Providing grants and assistance to food-insecure women.
- Revitalizing degraded land.
A member of the Young People and Climate Change Network, FAD also works with the Ministry of Education to promote girls' school fees.
Some recent activities, organized in partnership with other organizations, include the following:
- February 2010: Awareness raising of young people in the South Kalley neighbourhood on STDs; STI/HIV/AIDS.
- 13 May 2010: Sensitization of women and girls in the South Kalley neighbourhood on the recognition of their rights and duties; remedies in case of violence.
- 18 October 2010: Sensitization of women in the Airport neighborhood on income-generating activities to contribute actively in the fight against poverty.
- March 8, 2011: Women's football activity that pitted young girls from the Korombé and Kassey high school in the Korombé compound.
- 03 January 2012: Awareness raising of students, parents and administrative authorities on gender-based violence against girls in schools, held at the CEG Zongo of Niamey.
- October 2012: Donation of clothes given to the representatives in charge of the collection of the Premature, for women victims of flooding in Niamey.
- January 2013: Awareness conference on the risks of contamination, the importance of screening and measures to protect against STI/HIV/AIDS to young school children.
- April 2013: Free food donations (10 boxes of food paws, 5 boxes of couscous, 5 boxes of soap) for poor women in the village of Tondikoirey.
- 2012- 2013: Project to recover water hyacinth and its transformation for environmental purposes in the village of Tondikoirey.
- June 2014: Basic training in sewing for 20 women from the Annour group of the Niamey Airport district.
- March 2014: Awareness caravan on the schooling of girls in Tahoua, Abalak, Agadez, Azel and Arlit.
- May 2014: Round table between women former ministers, deputies, schoolgirls, students and CSO actors on the implementation of the law on quotas, challenges and perspectives.
- December 2014: Training in the manufacture of cosmetic, hygiene and beauty products for 20 women from the Bonferey group of Tchambanga/Dosso.
- 2014- 2015: Project on the promotion of women's leadership in local governance and non-violent conflict management. In this field, she is mentoring 151 young girls in Niger in the promotion of their leadership and participation in conflict management and prevention. With its partners, it has set up a committee of Young Girl Leaders called COJEFIL, which reinforces the awareness activities of other young Nigerien girls.
- July-September 2015: Sheep fattening project for 60 women from the Hareybane group in the village of Goudel Gorou, financed by PANA-Canada/CUN1.
- August 2015: Treatment of a complaint of early marriage of a 14-year-old girl.
- October 2015: Conference-debate on Women, Peace and Security on the occasion of International Girls' Day, held at the CCA.
- October 2015: Donation of hygiene products to the Fistula Women of the NGO Dimol on the occasion of the International Day of the Young Girl Child, organized by COJEFIL.
- October 2015: Donation of school kits to deaf girls in the School for the Deaf by FAD ET CCA.
- January 2016 : Training workshop in Maradi on the concepts of female leadership, management and non-violent prevention of conflicts for the benefit of 54 young girls in the Maradi region.
- February 2016: Implementation of the PACEN/UNDP-funded project to strengthen the role and participation of young women in the 2016 electoral process in Niger.
- April 2016: Awareness raising caravan on the importance of vocational training for women and young people in the Dosso region, Doutchi, Loga, Gaya and Boboye departments, held from 1 to 8 April 2016.
- May 2016: Training workshop in Tahoua on the concepts of female leadership, management and non-violent prevention of conflicts for the benefit of 42 young girls in the region of Tahoua and Dosso.
- July - December 2016: Project on: Advocacy to strengthen the participation of women and youth at all levels of decision-making funded by UNDP.
- Fact-finding and identification mission
- 5 training workshops
- 13 awareness-raising sessions
- 3 round tables
- Making a documentary film
- September 2016 - August 2017: Project for the Promotion of Democratic Values, Young Women at the Heart of Knowledge !!! :
- A mission of identification,
- 3 training workshops for 120 young women from political parties, councillors and mayors...on democratic values and principles, women's leadership....
- From 29 to 31 March 2017: Training workshop for 40 young women from political parties and the media on governance, democratic values and principles, political leadership, political communication and human rights; and establishment of the Committee of Women Mentors in Politics (COFEMEP) which brings together women from political parties who defend the cause of women.
- Training workshop for 40 young women from other political parties and the media on governance, democratic values and principles, political leadership, political communication and human rights
- From August 15 to 17, 2107: Training workshop for 44 women from 10 political parties from 6 regions of Niger on political leadership, political communication and electoral civic education and establishment of the final office of COFEMEP.
- March - April 2017: Advocacy project for the adoption of the bill on the protection of the girl child during schooling, financed by NDI Niger.
- Exchange and advocacy workshop on the draft law on the protection of young girls in school.
- Establishment of the advocacy follow-up committee to lobby the government, religious and traditional leaders, civil society and parliamentarians.
- Production of an advertorial of 03 to 05 minutes on the importance of girls' schooling and the consequences of forced/early marriage.
- July 2017 - July 2018: Project to strengthen the links of women's groups in the region of Tillabéry Consultation for the PCCN/IOM
- July 2017 - September 2017: Training workshop in 9 departments of North Tillabéry on leadership, good governance and citizenship where 270 women and girls were trained for 45 days.
- April 2018: Training workshop for 45 women and girls from North Tillabéry on leadership, good governance and citizenship, facilitation techniques and communication of influence.
- July 2018: Mapping of women's groups in the region of Tillabéry working in the field of non-violent conflict management.
- September 2017 to August 2018: Project to promote the role of women politicians through mentoring:
- February - March 2018: 6 Restitution sessions of 6 political parties on the promotion of the role of women in politics through mentoring by women mentors of the COFEMEP committee.
- March - April 2018: Radio and television debates on women's political participation by women from COFEMEP and ADF.
- July 2018: Roundtable in Niamey, Tillabéry and Dosso on the role and responsibilities of women in political parties.
- January 2019: Follow-up Evaluation of the commitments signed at the Niamey Round Table in July 2018 by the presidents of political parties.
- June 2017-December 2018: Project to support girls' schooling in Niger financed by the French Embassy. Phase 1:
- Sharing and TFP Coordination Workshop
- Training of animators in pairs (1 religious leader 1 animator) on SCOFI
- February - March 2018: 19 Awareness raising caravans on the importance of girls' schooling in the regions of Niamey and Dosso.
- March 2018 - August 2019 : Advocacy project to strengthen girls' retention in school
- Launch of the Voice project March 2018
- Extension in Niamey and Maradi: April - May 2018
- Public hearings in Niamey: November 2018
- Public hearings in Maradi: February 2019
- Hearing Sessions with School Girls: February 2019
- radio debates on the theme of girls' enrolment and retention in school: July 2019
- June 2017-December 2018 : Project to support girls' schooling in Niger financed by the French Embassy. Phase 2 :
- Preparatory mission: July - August 2018
- Workshop for exchange and sharing of good practice among religious leaders: August 2018
- Debate programmes and broadcasts of edited debates: November 2018
- Training of Trainers Workshop: September 2018
- Awareness raising and monitoring and evaluation caravan: November 2018
- Caravan of sensitization and encouragement of deserving girls : December 2018
- Day of gratification and presentation of testimonies of satisfaction to religious leaders and animators of the SCOFI project: January 2019
- June 2018 - August 2018: Support to the Ministry of Primary Education for the organization of the reading contest in national language called ''KARATU''.
- August 2018: Participation in a congress of WILDAF AO in Lomé. The purpose of this meeting was to hold a General Assembly for the renewal of the office at the end of the mandate and the training of members in monitoring and evaluation and transformational leadership.
- August 2018: Participation in the WILPF congress in Accra as a new member.
- August 2018: Participation in the consultation mission of EIRENE in order to collect the socio-economic and demographic situation of women in the zone of Dosso and Tillabéry.
- September 2018 - August 2019: Project to support the increase of women's political participation in preparation for the 2021 elections.
- April 2019: Training workshop for 30 women from five (5) political parties on electoral texts, political leadership and the electoral code.
- April 2019: Caravan of sensitization, encouragement and mobilization of women in Tillabéry.
- April 2019: Organization of Focus Group in Tillabéry on the theme of women's participation in politics.
- October 2018: Participation in the Seminar organized by the National Union of Moroccan Women (UNFM) in Rabat. This seminar aimed to bring together women activists in the field of women's rights struggle and to present them the actions carried out by the UNFM as well as food and other companies in Rabat.
- December 2018: Reflection workshop with FOs and grassroots partners within the framework of the new Eirene programme namely APS.
- December 2018: Handling of a case of complaint for forced marriage. File transmitted by DRES.
- January 2019: Registration and processing of a case of domestic violence. Accompaniment of the woman victim until obtaining her Divorce.
- January 2019: Training of 50 school girls from Tillabéry on non-violent conflict management and prevention, financed by the Embassy of the United States.
- April 2019: Training of 30 school girls on female leadership and community life.
- January 2019: APS workshop on the new programs of Eirene and its partners in Dosso.
- February 2019: VOICE activities in Maradi: 10 Hearing sessions, 2 public hearings, 5 radio debates, 1 TV debate and a consultative workshop with religious leaders.
- March 2019: Participation in the 63rd session of the CSW in New York.
- March 2019: Participation in a training on women's leadership in Morocco and signing of a contract with the UNFM.
- May 2019: Organization of the second session of the Miss Scientist competition in Tillabéry.
- May 2019: Organization of a review of activities followed by a collective break with ADF partners.