Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is a private German political foundation, committed to promoting social democracy around the world. The main work of FES in Pakistan focuses on cooperating with local partners in the fields of conflict management, promotion of democracy, youth development, industrial relations and regional dialogue.
Under its core theme of 'Creating Peace and Security', the FES office in Pakistan has set up a 'Topic Centre for Civil Conflict Management' where experiences relating to conflict sensitive programme management and civil conflict transformation are being processed and shared with relevant actors in South Asia. The centre has developed tools and guidelines on 'Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA)' to ensure sensitivity in conflicts and conflict-prone regions.The FES Pakistan office has also been implementing projects to promote understanding and peace between India and Pakistan.
At the national level in Pakistan, FES has developed a youth leadership programme, Young Professionals’ Network (YPN), to encourage young people to play active roles in society. YPN participants are exposed to various training programmes, including a workshop on 'interpersonal conflict management' which teaches important skills on resolving conflicts in their immediate environments.