The Global Peace Foundation USA continues to make significant impact because it is guided by a simple yet powerful vision with a practical plan of action. That vision can be summarized in one phrase that is full of meaning - One Family under God. The profound truth is that all humanity is connected in a most fundamental way, beyond the differences of race, religion or nationality. Because we all share a common Origin or Source, all people are part of the one human family.
Indeed, the essential principles of the world's great faith traditions lead us toward this conclusion. People everywhere understand deep relationships in familial terms, and thus can readily embrace the fact that humankind is one family- brothers and sisters all. In the larger context, we are bound together as the human family because of our common spiritual heritage. Without recognizing God at the center, the human family will remain unable to find the cohesion and harmony necessary for a world of lasting peace.
GPF-USA focuses on three areas of endeavor: interfaith partnerships, strengthening marriage and families, and fostering a culture of service. Together interfaith, family and service form the trifold platform of GPF, providing essential elements and a balanced approach for effective peace-building. These three pillars are embedded into all GPF-related programs.