Habakkuk Trust is a Christian organisation founded in 2000 by a group of Church leaders and concerned citizens in Bulawayo. It seeks to transform communities though advocacy, research and information dissemination.
The vision of Habakkuk is a peaceful, informed and empowered society run on the values of justice, truth, honesty and integrity. It trains communities in local level advocacy, peacebuilding, conflict transformation and development.
At present the organisation confines its operations to Matabebeland, in the districts of Bulawayo, Mangwe, Matobo, Gwanda, Insiza, Nkiya and Tsholotsho. Except for Bulawayo, Government aid interventions and projects are few and far between areas that Habakkuk works in, and as such the organisation's work has benefited throusands of rural people. The organisation maintains an online news bulletin, Habakkuk Times, which chronicles its work in the areas it operates. Habakkuk’s work has been enhanced by the establishment of Community Advocacy Action Teams, which take initiatives in the organisation’s programmes and projects.