Human Rights Alliance is a national level umbrella body of over 1,500 Nepali human rights organisations working for peace in Nepal.
Last updated: December 2017
National Alliance for Human Rights and Social Justice-Nepal (Human Rights Alliance) is a national level umbrella body of over 1,500 Nepali human rights organisations. The organisation aims to consolidate and coordinate the Nepali human rights and social justice movement and is actively involved in lobbying for the protection of it. It advocates for a society that is free of violence, torture, exploitation, oppression, and injustice.

- Sensitise, advocate, and launch programs for the protection, promotion, and enjoyment of human rights and social justice in a fearless environment
- Consolidate human rights and social justice movement at the grass-root levels through social mobilisation
- Monitor and evaluate the observance of all human right instruments ratified by Nepal
- Promote and/or create academic institutions for human rights and development studies
- Work towards the institutional development of a social justice system that respects human rights in all aspects of development, and distribution of different kinds of resources among all oppressed and deprived class, castes, ethnic groups, religious minorities and other groups.
Programmes and initiatives for peace
- Policy advocacy on the Nepali peace process and constitution-making process
- Social mobilisation to create pressure on the law enforcement officials
- Training, interaction and workshops for the marginalised and excluded groups.

- The Government has responded positively to form the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, passed the Disappearance Bill, and provided compensation to the victims of armed conflict
- The Government has addressed the human rights violations highlighted by the National Human Rights Commission
- Raised awareness at the community, district, regional and national levels regarding peace, human rights and social justice
- Enhanced the knowledge and skills of people from marginalised and excluded groups on conflict transformation and peacebuilding
- The rights of the marginalised and excluded groups have been incorporated in a draft report of the thematic committees formed under the Constituent Assembly.