Intermedia was established in 2005 to promote journalists’ capacity-building and strengthening freedom of information in Pakistan and beyond.
Intermedia has completed a two-country project on conflict reporting for Afghan and Pakistani journalists under the 'Pak-Afghan Journalists Fellowship' programme under the British High Commission’s project on 'Joint training and study visit for Afghan and Pakistani journalists to improve reporting on conflict issues'. The main purpose of the project was to improve the capacity of journalists from both countries to report on conflict and post-conflict issues through exposure to case studies of conflict resolution. Intermedia published 'Practical Guide: Tips for Conflict Reporting' so as to ensure that reporters in conflict zones are capable of ensuring conflict sensitivity in the way they report.
Intermedia, in partnership with the Search for Common Ground (SFCG) in Pakistan and Uks Research Centre, is working with radio stations in the country to promote peace on air through radio broadcasts. The organisation gathered representatives of radio stations from Azad, Jammu and Kashmir and Islamabad in August 2010 for an orientation training workshop on engaging local communities through radio for community peacebuilding.