[more_info_box float="right" width="280px"] Main Achievements
- More than 300 projects granted
- More than 150 Basic and Advanced Trainings
- 403 scholarships
- More than 1000 alumni of the European Integration School
- 28 Publications
KCSF has three main programs:
- The Civil Society Development Program
- The European Integration Program
- Grant Giving Scheme
THE CIVIL SOCIETY PROGRAM is focused on creating an enabling environment for functioning of civil society, mainly through:
- Enabling environment for civil society
- Improving relevant legislation
- Increasing citizen participation
- Setting standards of public financing for CSOs
- Contributing to structuring the cooperation between civil society and government
- Providing different resources to CSOs
- Providing relevant data and studies on civil society
- Regular information on relevant developments
- Capacity building for CSOs.
- Increasing understanding about the European Integration (EI) process
- Regular information updates on relevant developments
- Capacity building on EU (general and specific)
- Advancing the European Agenda of Kosovo
- Structuring the cooperation between civil society and government in the EI process
- Regular dialogue with European Commission.
Apart from funding, the grant giving scheme is used as an instrument for improving the internal governance of beneficiary organisations, increasing the quality of project implementation through monitoring, and assisting CSOs with targeted capacity building and coaching. In addition, KCSF regularly provides with comprehensive information and systematic and in-depth analysis of a wide range of information related to civil society in Kosovo and wider.
The scheme aims to contribute to an increased synergy and cooperation among donors as well as strengthened strategic partnerships among stakeholders. Currently, KCSF has started analysing international donor’s strategic priorities and specific programs on civil society, and their implementation mechanisms and structures.
The final aim of the scheme is to combine the wide range of available tools in order to increase the impact of the donor funds for civil society.