The vision of SEDI is to create in the territories of Uvira, Fizi and its surroundings, a movement of people capable of defending their interests and taking charge of themselves.
Solidarité Echange pour le Développement Intégral (SEDI) was created on 25 December 1996. Its scope of action is the province of South Kivu, more particularly the territories of Fizi and Uvira and the Hauts Plateaux of Itombwe in the territory of Mwenga.
The vision is to create in the territories of Uvira, Fizi and its surroundings, a strong peasant movement capable of defending their interests and taking charge of themselves. SEDI has set itself the mission of progressively accompanying the members of the local churches in their integral development by educating them to recognise their rights in order to better defend their rights and duties in order to live in a harmonious society.
The objectives of SEDI are as follows
- To create and organise a resource centre for training and documentation on human rights and peace,
- To promote civic education, democracy and peace,
- To strengthen peasants by providing them with means and resources and enabling them to use them effectively to improve their own living conditions and those of their families,
- To promote equal rights and responsibilities for both sexes in the economic, legal, socio-cultural and political fields, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Covenants and Conventions ratified by the DRC and the legislation in force,
- To elaborate, process, analyse and disseminate information related to human rights and peace.
SEDI intervenes in the following areas Human Rights and Peace; Education; Emergencies; Gender and Development and Health.
In the context of economic and social rights violations, SEDI focuses on monitoring, advocacy and support for victims and civic education.
A society where women and girls enjoy social, economic and environmental justice
To empower women and girls to achieve social justice, economic stability and environmental sustainability through capacity building, research, advocacy and service delivery.