Station Kharkiv works to promote the inclusive and non-discriminatory access of IDPs to aid in Ukraine, disregarding age, gender, and political view. It was one of the first NGOs in Ukraine to provide support to IDPs. It was established on 1 June 2014 by a group of volunteers who reacted to the calls coming into the Red Cross hotline requesting assistance.

Station Kharkiv's peacebuilding methods are:
- Protection of human rights
- Pntegration of IDPs and social unity
- Adaptation and integration of IDPs into the community, and decreasing IDP vulnerability
- Psychosocial adaptation
- Increasing knowledge of IDPs about legal issues
- Providing humanitarian aid - collecting donations (food, clothes, toys, hygiene items, medicines, money etc) through collective points in Kharkiv city and region. Donations are also received from the other areas of Ukraine and from abroad;
- Help with finding work;
- Legal consultation;
- Psychological and medical support;
- The creation of child friendly spaces;
- Implementing trainings;
- Organising concerts.
- Station Kharkiv's 24hr hotline works for IDPs to provide information and useful contacts. During the peak of the conflict, about 600 people a day requested support from 'Kharkiv Station'. Every vulnerable family could receive food and hygiene kits, and also select clothes donated by other people.
- A program called 'Station Family', supported by USAID, offers workshops and trainings aimed at social adaptation and integration of families.
- UNHCR supports the project 'Station Region' to scale up offices thought Kharkiv region.
- The organisation also runs 'Station Success' to support social adaptation and integration though support of small businesses and help with finding jobs.
- Another effort includes project 'Station Law' that offers IDPs legal issues training such as 'Law for dummies', which includes basic human rights and how to defend these rights using the law.
Initiatives for children
One key event for children was organised on the Day of Child Protection. A festival was organised in Sarzhyn Yar for IDPs and children from local communities to ensure social integration. The program of the day included sport and dance contests.
Training on social and economic integration of IDPs 'Station Family'
Supported by USAID, the project 'Ukrainian initiative for increasing confidence aimed at social unity and integration includes 3-4 training per week on topics such as how to get a good job and increase own values, how to build a family budget in an economic crisis, how to create your own business, and positive parenting. For IDP children who have missed school, catch up classes are arranged, as well as classes to prepare young children to start school. Through these classes, IDP children would feel more confident in studying and also adapting to a new place. Station Kharkiv also offers trainings on new professional skills.
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