The Youth Association for Non-Violent Direct Action is a non-profit organisation which strives to promote peace, non-violence, fellow-feeling and sustainable and fair development throughout Burundian society. They aim to support a democratic society in which human rights are respected, and to raise awareness of peace and non-violence. The Youth Association for NVDA campaign for peace by organising training sessions, debates and conferences aimed at young people, in partnership with local organisations.
Conflict Prevention and Resolution Training
After receiving training in conflict prevention and resolution from organisations such as Search for Common Ground Burundi, Compagnie des Apôtres de la Paix, and COPA, the staff committee of the Youth Association for NVDA wanted to share this knowledge with other young people, especially those in rural areas. This seemed particularly important at the time; the project ran from 2003-2005, a period when the country was undergoing the crucial transition of approaching the first democratic elections since the civil war.
The main goal of this initiative was to enable participants to develop effective conflict prevention strategies. This allows constructive dialogue between contending perspectives, without the need to resort to violence. The project intended to encourage participants to see themselves as capable of getting involved with conflict prevention, early warning systems and peaceful reconciliation.
The training covered themes such as analysing the causes of conflict, perceptions of conflict, conflict prevention, strengthening local capacity for peace, possible preventive measures, and issues such as forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust building.