Afro-Canadian Evangelical Mission (ACEM)

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The Afro-Canadian Evangelic Mission (ACEM) is a non-profit Christian organisation that was established in Canada to assist the people of South Sudan.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2018

The Afro-Canadian Evangelic Mission (ACEM) is a non-profit Christian organisation that was established in Canada to assist the people of South Sudan who took refuge in 2005.

Since 2007 ACEM has reached South Sudanese communities through the facilitation of access to Canadian humanitarian aid, supporting educations, orphans and primary health programmes, food security, and child protection. ACEM is also working with local churches to spread a biblical understanding of peace and reconciliation.


ACEM believes in peace as a core value of community sustainable development. It believes that conflict and war are manageable through dialogue and full participation of local leaders in addressing the root causes of conflicts and thus building peace and harmony between the communities. It promotes constructive dialogue based on a biblical perspective which brings sustainable peace and inter-cultural awareness that recognises the fundamental rights and freedoms of every individual in a participatory and cooperative way.

As part of this programme, ACEM is encouraging trauma healing and counselling to bring hope to the survivors of war and natural disasters. This programme in recent years has brought about free movement of trade between conflicting communities and enhanced successful income generating activities for the business community in Mvolo county, Western Equatoria State, Yirol West county, Lake State and South Sudan.

ACEM is also promoting a women's business empowerment scheme and micro-finance to acutely vulnerable peoples in collaboration with community based organisations to help identify and support orphans, widows, disabled individuals, widowers and the elderly.

ACEM's mission is to work to raise awareness of human rights, good governance, justice and democracy. It monitors Payam court cases and supports local disadvantaged communities in developing ideas and implement new innovative technologies in order to boost agricultural productivity, and to support the boys and the girls who are at risk. It opens orphanage schools for vulnerable children to be enrolled. With this support they can reach high levels of education whilst being protected. ACEM also supports the creation of child nutrition centres in South Sudan.

ACEM's vision is to reach the most vulnerable communities of South Sudan, to support their education and to improve the living standards of the people in these communities so that they can achieve peaceful co-existence and enjoy their rights. Its goal is to meet the physical needs of vulnerable people. It provides the necessities such as shelter, food and drinking water whilst also aiming to create a peaceful environment for a better South Sudan.

Amongst its core values, ACEM highlights competence, accountability, transparency, honesty, integrity, fairness, trust, participation, gender equality and faith.

Lo último de Sudán del sur

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