Association de Developpement pour la Paix et la Reconstruction en Republique Democratique du Congo (ADPR-RDC)

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ADPR-RDC is a Congolese organisation working in the East of the country since 2012 with the aim of accompanying people displaced by war and insecurity to return to their places of origin.

Última actualización: Marzo 2022

The Association de Développement pour la Paix et la Reconstruction en République Démocratique du Congo, ADPR-RDC asbl, is a Congolese organisation working in the East of the country since 2012 with the aim of accompanying people displaced by war and insecurity to return to their places of origin.

ADPR-RDC is legally registered under the number F.92/41.816 of 23 March 2021,

Our vision: To promote better living conditions in the villages.

Our mission:

  • To contribute to the social, economic and cultural reintegration of the inhabitants, as well as to the reconstruction of the damaged and abandoned villages in the DRC by promoting local development,
  • To ensure the support of the displaced inhabitants in their return by re-launching agro-pastoral activities in the abandoned areas,
  • Contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law in the DRC,
  • Accompanying the population in reconstruction, peaceful cohabitation and conflict management, fighting against sexual and gender-based violence, etc.
  • Encouraging the population to take responsibility for their own social and economic well-being,
  • Promote the well-being of vulnerable people in general by assisting them in the areas of development, agriculture, livestock, protection, health and nutrition, education and training, entrepreneurship and microfinance, apprenticeships, and other areas of self-help.

Our values: solidarity, determination and justice

Areas of intervention: North Kivu Province, Masisi Territory

Lo último de Democratic Republic of the Congo

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