Association Force Verte

Aún no se ha verificado

The association promotes agropastoral development and principles of cooperation of economic and social interest to promote peace in Central African Republic.

Última actualización: Julio 2021

Created in 2017, the Association Force Verte (AFV) was born from the desire of the people of the 6th district in Bangui to make people aware of the importance of protecting nature and climate change.

To do this, the association has set up groups that allow that beyond working the land are also responsible for promoting agropastoral development and the implementation of the principles of cooperation of economic and social interest of its members.

The organization is dedicated to the promotion of the spirit of initiative through the new techniques of supply, production and marketing of agro-avicultural products.

All work of the association promotes the protection of the environment. It is responsible for setting an example by using practices that are not harmful to nature.

The last crisis pushed the association to integrate a peace awareness component through economic resilience. This project, carried out with its own funds, has reached 78 ex-combatants who are now working the land.

Today, AFV has 500 hectares of fields and 2,000 members from the population of the 6th District of Bangui.

Lo último de Central African Republic

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