Bangwe et Dialogue Burundi

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Bangwe et Dialogue Burundi works to build relationships that contribute to peace education, conflict resolution and the fight against gender-based violence.
Última actualización: Agosto 2015

Bangwe et Dialogue Burundi works to build and sustain relationships that contribute to peace education, conflict resolution and the fight against gender-based violence.

Paricipants in a workshop on promoting the culture of peace, dialogue and tolerance in February 2010 Paricipants in a workshop on promoting the culture of peace, dialogue and tolerance in February 2010

During the war, the organisation hosted four symposiums gathering women from Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo to discuss the experiences and role of women in the peacebuilding process.

In the field, Bangwe et Dialogue has facilitated peace themed arts competitions in secondary schools, provided assistance to vulnerable women in its areas of focus, and helped vulnerable groups of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), widows, and members of the Batwa people to begin income-generating activities.

Farming is one of the Income Generating Activities proposed by the organisation to the beneficiaries. Farming is one of the Income Generating Activities proposed by the organisation to the beneficiaries.

Bangwe et Dialogue Burundi is a branch of Bangwe et Dialogue created in 1988 under the initiative of African women living in Geneva.

A group of rural women supported by Bangwe et Dialogue in the commune of Mukike A group of rural women supported by Bangwe et Dialogue in the commune of Mukike

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