Bege Foundation for Women and Youth Empowerment

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The Bege Foundation’s aim is to ensure a sustainable future for vulnerable persons. It focuses on issues of social justice, peace building and human development in Nigeria.

Última actualización: Noviembre 2021

Bege Foundation started as Nirvana youth group in October 2010 by a community youth group in the Rantya Community of Jos South Local Government Area, Plateau State. The original mission was to proffer possible solutions to the contemporary challenges facing youths. The organisation’s activities were mainly in Plateau State and always placed highest importance to young women by mainstreaming all gender related issues to its activities. Therefore, it was later renamed Bege Foundation for Women and Youth Empowerment in 2014.

The new organisation’s aim is to ensure a sustainable future for vulnerable persons through collaboration and creative partnership with relevant stakeholders. It focuses on issues of social justice, peace building and human development and provides activities such as training on peace building, resilience and reconciliation as well as developing skills for good governance, financial literacy, citizen journalism, community security networking.

The Bege Foundation’s activities provide opportunities for young people and women to be included in decision making processes. So far, more than 1,000 persons have benefited from the organisation’s actions.

The Bege Foundation has many partner organisations, including: Voice for the Girl Child, Plateau State Ministry of Youth Sports Development, Plateau State Ministry of Women and Social Development, Youth Service America (YSA), Institute of Governance and Social Research (IGSR), Damietta Peace Initiative (DIP), Search for Common Ground, New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation, GIZ, Apurimac Onlus Nigeria, Center for Peace and Advancement (CEPAN)

Follow the Bege Foundation on Facebook and Twitter.

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