Change Human's Life is an apolitical charity organization that helps change the living conditions of people in Côte d'Ivoire. The vision of Change Human's Life is to help change the current behavior and living conditions of the population.
Aware of the importance of peace in Côte d'Ivoire's development process, Change Human's Life strives to find, maintain and promote it in the resident communities. And this, through awareness programs in both urban and rural areas. Moreover, Change Human's Life is convinced that the quest for peace necessarily involves respect for human rights and therefore extends its program to the promotion and defense of these rights. And this, through awareness programs both in urban and rural areas.
With regard to a society stricken by poverty and the high rate of illiteracy, Change Human's Life is interested in its programs to create jobs for young and qualified graduates; project design and implementation as well as the search for funding for out-of-school youth; and literacy for the needy, especially women. Change Human's Life is also interested in social actions such as the granting of school fees, scholarships, school kits, medical care to the most disadvantaged.