CMEHCI's mission is to improve the living standards of women and youths through empowerment in North-Eastern Nigeria.
Concern Minds for Environment, Health and Community Initiative (CMEHCI) is an indigenous non-partisan, non-religious, non-discriminatory, non-profit, non-governmental organization. It was established in 2017 and run essentially by volunteers. CMEHCI primary target groups are women, youths, persons with disabilities and children in Gombe state and other North-eastern states in Nigeria.

CMEHCI's mission is to uplift the living standard of women and youths through empowerment and healthy practices in an peaceful environment towards achieving the vision of a society where self-help project is appreciated by the awareness created, capacity the was built and the peace promoted in a health environment established.

CMEHCI work in Advocating for women empowerment, Importance of girl child education, Sensitization on/Mediation for peace, Environmental peace building/Persons health referrals, and Peace education reaching out to over four thousand (over 4000) Beneficiaries in Gombe, Akko, Kaltungo, Shongom and Kwami LGAs of Gombe State.

CMEHCI works in colalition with Civil Society HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN), Association OVCs NGOs in Nigeria (AONN), Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA), Association of NGOs in Gombe (ANGO), Women Peer to Peer Nigerian Learning Group , and also with an INGO, “Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light” (HWPL) Seoul – South Korea.