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The COOPERATIVE  DES TRANSFORMATEURS  DES PRODUITS VIVRIERS has been operating for 8 years, it has 14 members who concentrate their strength and …

Última actualización: Julio 2018

The COOPERATIVE  DES TRANSFORMATEURS  DES PRODUITS VIVRIERS has been operating for 8 years, it has 14 members who concentrate their strength and knowledges on the consolidation of peace in rural and urban areas.


The association organized social mobilization, supported by film screenings on peaceful coexistence among communities, during which 100 volunteers were trained and equipped on peacebuilding techniques.

The organization has a project to further strengthen and pacify communities. And it is with this in mind that the organization visited in 2014 the bebedja prison to raise the detainees' awareness on peace.

Following this visit, more than 200 prisoners convinced of the importance of peace in general but even more in the prison environment decided to adopt a peaceful behavior.

Lo último de Chad

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