Development Education and Advocacy Resources for Africa (DEAR Africa) Initiative

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DEAR Africa works to help women, children and families recover and rebuild their lives after experiencing fear and violence in Nigeria.
Última actualización: Octubre 2021

The Development Education and Advocacy Resources for Africa (DEAR Africa) initiative works to help women, children and families recover and rebuild their lives after experiencing fear and violence in Nigeria. DEAR Africa aims to enable African communities to facilitate people-centred development processes to enhance peace, healthy living and sustainable environmental practices through self-propelled strategies.


The objectives of the organisation are to:

  • Facilitate a participatory learning organisation as a platform for sharing information on Africa’s development.
  • Stimulate the emergence of empowered African communities by promoting equity, access to justice, economic opportunities, and literacy as strategies for attaining good governance in Africa.
  • Serve as a training, research and documentation centre on African development issues including food security, the economy, education, health, environment, conflict prevention, emergency relief and peace.
  • Facilitate participatory monitoring and evaluating of development projects.
Other projects of DEAR Africa include helping people deal with gender-based violence, social exclusion and other vulnerabilities emanating from natural or human-induced emergencies that affect women and children. Through the 'Communities at Peace' project, the organisation identifies families affected by the crises in northern and south-eastern Nigeria in order to support children living in extremely difficult circumstances.

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